Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


There was a time
I lost my friends
There was a time
I can only hate

You are my Shepard
You are my guide
Follow your dark eye
Right into the nite
You are my saver
You took control
You came and touch my soul

I will walk on water just to be with you
Walk on water just to be with you
Split the ocean across the sea
Walk on water if you believe (3x)

There was a time
where nuttin would last
There was a time
I held on to the past

You are my Shepard
You are my guide
Follow your dark eye
Right into the nite
You are my saver
You took control
You came and touch my soul

But why are you still over shadow by a doubt
Only if you can see
The love that carry me

I will walk on water just to be with you
Walk on water just to be with you
Split the ocean across the sea
Walk on water if you believe (3x)

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