Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


When the world is darker than I can understand
When nothing turns out the way I′ve planned
When the sky turns gray and there′s no end in sight
When I can′t sleep through the lonely night
I turn to you
Like a flower leaning towards the sun
I turn to you
′Cos you′re the only one
Who can turn me around when I′m upside down
I turn to you
When my insides are wracked with anxiety
You have the touch that will quiet me
You lift my spirit. You melt the ice
When I need inspiration, when I need advice
I turn to you
Like a flower leaning towards the sun
I turn to you
′Cos you′re the only one
Who can turn me around when I′m upside down
I turn to you
Where would I be? What would I do?
If you′d never helped me through
I hope someday if you′ve lost your way
You could turn to me like I turn to you
I turn to you
Like a flower leaning towards the sun
I turn to you
′Cos you′re the only one
Who can turn me around when I′m upside down
I turn to you
I turn to you
When fear tells me to turn around
I turn to you
′Cos you′re the only one
Who can turn me around when I′m upside down
I turn to you
I turn to you
I turn to you

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