Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I hung up the celly (cellphone)
Time to spare,
I think i´m gonna go get Kelly
Honey showing that derrie
(showing that ass)
I don´t mean to stare
But oh yeah
The sun´s up high in the sky
And i´m feeling alright on the
e-way to the west side
let´s bust some spades
high in the sky and
i´m feeling alright on the e-way to west side
high in the sky and
i´m feeling alright on the e-way to west side
high in the sky and
i´m feeling alright on the e-way to west side
high in the sky and
come,come,come into my life
stay with me nobody loves me
nobody love me enough
enough to save me
no no no
yo shorty tell me boo what the business is
daddy and shay are my witnesses
her body is banging and i´m all in
the house is packed so lets fall in
bounce the hugs not thugs
sure I bug to feel so much love from all the
heads that I roll with
a gang brothers that I just may go with

by zelão claps

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