Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Like a rush on the beach
At the end of the day
When the sand is going to be cold under your way
The season fades
And you think everything's lost in the waves

Like a spark in your eyes
So your love will be mine
When the sky is going to light and shine
You take my hands
And I think that time will give me one more

Do you remember
A kiss under the moonlight
When it was summer
It was love at first sight
Can you remember
Cause I feel the same now
Until the winter
Will see blooming this love

Like a dive in the waves
I am caught in you love
And I'm flying in the clouds above
I feel you near
And I fear no more the winter 'cause you're here

Do you remember
A kiss under the moonlight
When it was summer
It was love at first sight
Can you remember
Ca use I feel the same now
Until the winter
Will see blooming this love

by Déia

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