Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You have become
What you have always been
Life figuring out
Rephrase your vision

No words I can speak
A path should been chosen
All trembling track
She lead us back and here
the guts are

Love comes again
Just when I booked in none of her
Love can come again
You gotta believe that
Love comes again
Just when I booked in none of her
Love can come again

Deep within me
Turn all the secret stones
Voice of fields
Breathing when love holds
Still no word we can speak
A path should been chosen
But all trembling track
She lead us back and here
the guts are

Love comes again
Just when I booked in none of her
Love can come again
You gotta believe that
Love comes again
Just when I booked in none of her
Love can come again

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