Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


And all the world is calling now
Saying it won't be the same
All the world is calling now
It's time to trap my love again

All the sky is showing now
It won't be there like before
But I'm really like a child
I can't cry anymore

I know good things, I know bad as well
Any witness of the world will tell
If there is sorrow, then there is beauty and
A secret pearl inside the heart of us

There is magic now, under blood red trees
All the sky will scream a mystery
And if we're strangers here, from the day we're
Why be afraid of freedom if it's yours?

So truly, if there is light then I wanna see it
Now that I know what I am looking for
Truly, if there is joy then I wanna feel it
Here in this world is where I wanna be
Cause I can't cry anymore

And all the world is calling now
Saying it won't be the same
All the world is calling now
It's time to trap my love again

All the sky is showing now
It won't be there like before
But I'm really like a child
I can't cry anymore

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