Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


all the way to Reno
you′ve dusted the non-believers
and challenged the laws of chance
now, sweet
you were so sugar sweet
you may as well have had ′kick me′
fastened on your sleeve

you know what you are,
you′re gonna be a star
you know what you are
you′re gonna be a star

is written on your feet
your Achilles heel
is a tendency
to dream
but you′ve know that from the beginning
you didn′t have to go so far
you didn′t have to go.

you know what you are,
you′re gonna be a star
you know what you are
you′re gonna be a star

you know who you are
you know who you are
you know who you are.

all the way to Reno,
you′ve written your own directions
and whistled the rules of change

you know what you are
you′re gonna be a star
you know what you are
you′re gonna be a star
you know what you are
you′re gonna be a star
you know what you are
you′re gonna be a star

all the way to Reno
all the way to Reno
all the way to Reno

you′re gonna be a star, you are
you′re gonna be a star
you′re gonna be a star, you are
you′re gonna be a star

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