Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Das Wasser weicht langsam zurück und hinterlässt
ein Chaos,
Orte sind praktisch ausgelöscht, Krankheiten
drohen, Menschen stehen vor dem Nichts,
Es ist höchste Zeit zu helfen, diese Katastrphe
betrifft uns alle.

The rain just keeps on falling,
And the stars, they are not here tonight,
And the strength I had is failing,
'Cause I'm trying to fight the endless fight,
And I reach out to the heavens,
And I slowly close my weeping eyes,
For the friend that I have been searching,
Brakes through those darkened skies.

How we reach out to the heavens?
And the sun will wash away those tears!
How we reach out to the heavens?
And the sun will wash away those tears!

Your night, it's strong togehter,
Yes we spend side by side,
Your night, it's strong togehter,
We will preach the troubled hands,
And we reach out to the heavens,
With our arms opened wide,
And the sun will wash away those tears,
'Cause we know tomorrow the sun will shine.

We can stand side by side,
If you just reach out to the heavens,
And close your eyes.

How we reach out to the heavens?
And the sun will wash away those tears!
How we reach out to the heavens?
And the sun will wash away those tears!

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