Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Won?t you tell me
If we?re heading for a fall
Are we still confused at all
Won?t you tell me
If we can move a little closer
If we can get a little deeper
We?ll be complete

You got to show me
Assure me
Nothing will go wrong
You got to show me
Why you?re holding on
You?ve got to show me
Assure me
Nothing will go wrong
You?ve got to show me
Why you?re holding on

You think it?s not enough
Can?t you see I?m trying hard
To be open
If we get a little closer
If we get a little deeper
We?ll be complete

You got to show me
Assure me
Nothing will go wrong
You got to show me
Why you?re holding on
You got to show me
You got to show me
You got to show me
You got to show

You got to show me
Assure me
Nothing will go wrong
You got to show me
Why you?re holding on

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