Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


something fearless in your eyes
something careless about your smile
shed your armour
spin your web
hypnotise me with the longest stare

fingertips so gently on my skin
i'm underwater
i feel the flood begin
fingertips so gently on my skin
you're taking over and over again (2X)

something fearless in your eyes
something careless about your smile
shed your armour
spin your web
hypnotise me with the longest stare

we're flesh and bone
together and alone
and we're looking for a home

fingertips so gently on my skin
i'm underwater
i feel the flood begin
i´m underwater
i´m underwater

fingertips so gently on my skin
i'm underwater
i feel the flood begin
fingertips so gently on my skin
you're taking over and over again (2X)

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