Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Love lifts us up
Love lifts us up

Remember the pain we put each other through
Remember the tears you cried, I cried too
Remember how close we came to giving up
Remember the heartaches that were destroyed
Remember the arguments we employed
Remember the lines we drew and the lines we

If we had known it would be so hard
Would we have set out on this road together
Now when I look into your eyes I can see forever

We're flying above the clouds
So beautiful & clear
We're flying above the clouds
I can see happiness from here

Love lifts us up
Love lifts us up

Remember the silence living in the dark
Remember the desperation in my heart
Remember how close we came to giving up

We were caught up in our storm
I didn't think that we would make it
We have only stood our grounds
Now the storm is breaking


Sweet love to a higher ground
Love lifts us up
Love lifts us up

If we had known it would be so hard
Would we have set out on this road together
Now when I look into your eyes I can see forever

Chorus 2x

We're flying so beautiful
Love lifts us up
There is so much happiness
Don't ever stop

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