Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Take this down
Turn it around
I am water underneath a bridge
So? What do I know?
Getting here must be a privilege
Should say something meaningful
If at all
Just to fill the air
Or, believe I adore you
Love you if I dare
By chance
When I turn out the light
I'm finding the right line
By chance
I could put this to right not in the rest of
this lifetime
Let it slide
Always inside
Isn't worth the indecision I hide
So, nowhere to go
Stimulating no illusion
I should say something pivotal
How you let me down
Or, believe I adore you
Love me if you dare
By chance
When I turn out the light
I'm finding the right line
By chance
I could put this to right
Not in the rest of this lifetime no, no
Look at you going places
See two faces
I know which to trace
I would be holding my breath but things will
stay the same won't they
Oh, I know

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