Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You always make me smile, when I'm feeling down
You give me such a vibe, I still live on a fire
It's not the way you walk and it ain't the way
you talk
It ain't the job you got that keeps me satisfied

Your love it feels so good
And that's what takes me high
Higher than I've been before
Your love it keeps me alive
Thought I should let you know
When you touch me it means so much
When I'm alone I cry
It's you I'm always thinking of, Oohh oh baby

Wont you understand, how I feel (yeah) deep inside
Uh huh, you make me feel, what I need to feel
In my heart

Your love it feels so good
And that's what takes me high
Higher than I've been before
Your love it keeps me alive
Thought I should let you know
When you touch me it means so much
Whem I'm alone I cry
It's you I'm always thinking of, Oohh oh baby

Your love it feels so good
And that's what takes me high
Higher than I've been before
Your love it keeps me alive
Thought I should let you know
When you touch me it means so much
Whem I'm alone I cry
It's you I'm always thinking of, Oohh oh baby

Your love it feels so good
And that's what takes me high
Higher than I've been before
Your love it keeps me alive
Thought I should let you know
When you touch me it means so much
Whem I'm alone I cry
It's you I'm always thinking of, Oohh oh baby

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