Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Boy, all I Know
You won't see me at all
When I'll walk out the door
All by myself, on the floor
For my life I want more

Hey, all I know
Black or white it's the same
When they play with your game

My baby get it on,get it in,
get it out
Tell me what it's all about
My baby get it on
My baby get it in
My baby get it out
C'mon and make me happy

Hey, all I Know
Black or white it's the same
When they play with your game
How'd ya feel, is it real
What you need, make it real

My baby get it on,get it in,
get it out
Tell me what it's all about
My baby get it on
My baby get it in
My baby get it out
C'mon and make me happy

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