Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Reach for the sky
And hold you′re head up high
For tonight and every night you′re a superstar
And don′t u be afraid
Think of all the friends you′ve made
Like any other night youve got your name in lights
You′re a superstar!

you′re a superstar
you′re a superstar

In a world that gives everything
dont u know that it dont mean a thing at all, at all
for a superstar
You′ve gotta find a rainbow
tell the world what everyone else knows
don′t let them tell you to get a life
coz they know you′re a superstar


If the thing you are today is what u wanna be
so don′t be someone else when u be the best so easily
if u try if u need my faith then you′ll succeed
and you′re eyes will make you see
you′re a superstar x4

you′re a superstar

and your eyes will make you see
you′re a superstar

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