Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Hey guy - you're the one for me
Your face - the sweetest thing I've ever seen
Stop by - dedicate to me
Your time - your time

At night - it really gets to me
I find nobody is here with me
Stop by - say you'll stay with me
You're the one I really miss

Every single day - single hour
I can see your face - single day
Every single day - single hour
I can see your face - single day
Every single day - single hour
I can see your face - single day
Every single day - single hour
I can see your face - single day

Hey guy - you're the one for me
Those eyes - the loveliest I've ever seen
Stop by - Just to say to me
You're mine - you're mine

This time lay some love on me
I'm blind - to anything surrounding me
so fine when you're next to me
You're the one I can't resist

by Filipe Guerra

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