Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Take me now, baby, here as I am
Hold me close, try and understand
Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet on which we feed

Come on now, try and understand
The way I feel under your command
Take my hand, come under cover
They can't hurt you now


Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

Have I doubt, baby, when I'm alone
Love is a ring on the telephone
Love is an angel, disguised as lust
Here in our bed 'til the morning comes

Comontry and understand
The way I feel under your comm
Take my hand, come under cover
They can't hurt you now

(Repeat Chorus)

With love we sleep, with doubt the vicious circle
turns, and burns
Without you, I cannot live, forgive the yearning
I believe in love too real to feel, take me now,
take me now, take me now

(Repeat Chorus)

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