Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Don't hold back, cause you woke up in the
with the mission to move, so i make it harder.
don't hold back, if you think about it,
so many people do, be cool man, look smarter.
don't hold back, and you shouldn't even care,
bout those losers in the air, and their crooked
don't hold back, cause there's a party over
so you might as well be here, where the people
don't hold back...

the world, is holdin' back, the time has come to
the world, is holdin' back, the time has come to
the world, is holdin' back, the time has come to
galvanize!, is holdin' back, c'mon, c'mon,

don't hold back, if you think about it too much,
you may stumble, trip up, fall on your face...
don't hold back, you think its time you get up,
crunch time, like a sit up, come on keep pace...
don't hold back, put apprehension on the back
let it sit, don't even get it lit...
don't hold back, get involved with the jam,
don't be a prick, hot chick, be a dick....
don't hold back.

the world, is holdin' back, the time has come to
the world, is holdin' back, the time has come to
the world, is holdin' back, the time has come to
galvanize!, is holdin' back, c'mon, c'mon

world, the time has come to... push the button
world, the time has come to... push the button
world, the time has come to... push the button
world... my finger, is on the button
my finger, is on the button
my finger, is on the button
push the button

the time has come to... galvanize!
the time has come to... galvanize!
galvanize!, galvanize!

by Filipe Guerra

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