Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Twenty seconds on the back time
I feel you on the run
Never lived too long to make right
I see you′re doing fine
And when I get that feeling
I can no longer slide I can no longer run
And when I get that feeling
I can no longer hide for it′s no longer fun


Well, you can say what you want
But it won′t change my mind
I′ll feel the same about you
And you can tell me your reasons
But it won′t change my feelings
I′ll feel the same about you

What I am is what you want of me
Now that I′m not there
I took the tables away from you
It′s turned that I don′t care
And when I get that feeling
I can no longer slide I can no longer run
And when I get that feeling
I can no longer hide for it′s no longer fun

(Repeat Chorus Twice)

I′ve said goodnight try to sleep tight
Just dream of me
Go close your eyes cause I′ll close mine
The sun will shine from time to time
When you dream of me

(Repeat Chorus Twice)

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