Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need
Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend,
I call on you my friend

Listen, Listen, Listen

Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need
Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend,
I call on you my friend

Whenever I'm down
And all thats going on
Is really going wrong
Just one of those days sing it
You say the right thing
To keep me moving on
To keep me going strong

Whenever I'm down

Listen, Listen, Listen

Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend
A helping hand you lend
In my time of need
Whenever I'm down
I call on you my friend,
I call on you my friend

Whenever I'm down
And all thats going on
Is really going wrong
Just one of those days sing it
You say the right thing
To keep me moving on
To be going strong

Repeat Chorus

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