Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


This, this is the way, this is the way I wanna live
I′m going to change this
This is the way I wanna live

Don′t lose they want to full in the bely
Why I should put, put up, I should?
Not bely in the way, the way that it shall be
Try it all the way
So let your body straight on the shelter
Don′t let destroy, you crumb this far
Comin′ up, come to force nation
This is the chase for things that come

This, this is the way, this is the way I wanna live
I′m going to change this, comin′up, comin′up
This is the way I wanna live

So feel the feeling, it′s on down the nau
Don′t lose your faith, by the way of the doubt
You must take, it′s better when you listen about it
Mounting this words and shout
You know, believe me, I almost in the end
The originary king at hill like end
Comin′ up, come ca force nation
This is the chase for things that come

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