Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You′re in my soul, you′re in my mind
No matter what you do, no matter what you say
I won′t runaway like yesterday
I′ll only dream of you, forever night and day


Loving you is killing me
no matter what you do I′ll never forget you
But you′re gone and you′re not coming back
No matter what I say, no matter how I pray


This games is us and it′s the game of love
It′s a losing thing where nobody wins
But we have loved and maybe we have lost
That′s how I feel inside


Send away the rain, send away the pain
But did you know your life isn′t just the same
Send away the rain, send away the pain
Just give me back the light or I′ll go insane

(Repeat 1)

(Repeat 2)

(Repeat 3)

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