Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Miles away

There's hopeless smiles brighter mine

And I need for you to come and go

Without the truth falling out

Old incisions

Refusing to stay

Like sun trough the trees

On a cloudy day

You brighten my life like a polystyrene hat

But it melts in the sun like a life without love

But I've waited for you so I'll keep crying out

Without you

Without you


Socially scared and impaired

If the trees will bloom the wind can blow

Without the fruit falling out

Old incisions

Refusing to stay

Like sun trough the trees

On a cloudy day

You brighten my life like a polystyrene hat

But it melts in the sun like a life without love

But I've waited for you so I'll keep crying out

Without you

Without you

Feels like the wind blows

Holding you with us

She takes no other

False light and ashes

Blooming like winter

You brighten my life like a polystyrene hat

But it melts in the sun like a life without love

But I've waited for you so I'll keep crying out

Without you

Without you

Without you

Enviada por Natizinha

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