Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Everybody wants some type of success in life
Like every woman wants to they′ll be a wife
Success is measured, but to a degree
All the money in the world don′t add up to you and me.

I′d rather be picking up bottles and cans if you can′t be my man
I′d rather be homeless in the streets with no food to eat
I′d rather be facing 20 to life if I can′t be your wife.
Now I know that it seems like I′m crazy for you
but that′s what love can do.

Look at what you started there′s no way this can end
Falling in love how deep I fall in
If anything should ever stand in my way
I wouldn′t wait ′til tomorrow, but I′d throw it away today.

I′d rather be picking up bottles and cans if you can′t be my man
I′d rather be homeless in the streets with no food to eat
I′d rather be facing 20 to life if I can′t be your wife.
Now I know that it seems like I′m crazy for you
but that′s what love can do.

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