Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Something′s dissapeared inside
Should I try to run away
If I could I would escape you

I won′t argue anymore
I have lost the will to be
Hope you don′t think I′m ungrateful

Why, why are you laughing?
Is it something that I said?

I don′t like this place at all
Makes me wonder what I′m here for
Someone take this pain away
Dying to see another day

I don′t want to be your friend
Or pretend I can fit into
I′m incensed, I′m blown away
Dying to see another day

Close the curtains, lock the door
Left my notes upon the stair
In hopes you wouldn′t read them

Fake emotions in my head
Everything I′ve seen and read
Can′t begin to find the reason

Why? Why are you laughing?
Is it something that I said?

I don′t like this place at all
Makes me wonder what I′m here for
Someone take this pain away
Dying to see another day

I don′t want to be your friend
Or pretend I can fit into
I′m incensed, I′m blown away
Dying to see another day

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