Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I remember when I made you love
What I felt inside
That this heart of mine was beating strong
And I felt even shy. Oh oh
Babe you gotta believe me
When you ask my name
Oh I started shaking cause I knew
I was in love with you

This is the story of you and I
Of you and I
A new love story, you and I
Just you, and I. (2X)
This is the story of you and I

Then you had to go so far away
I′ve been missing you
You don′t know how many nights I′ve prayed
Yes, I′ve been crying too. Oh oh
Babe you gotta believe me
When I say you′re my life
And now that you are back home again
Is this the joy I cry

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