Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Talking to the songbird yesterday
Flew me to a place not far away
She′s a little pilot in my mind
Singing songs of love to pass the time

Gonna write a song so she can see
Give her all the love she gives to me
Talk of better days that have yet to come
I never felt this love from anyone

She′s not anyone
She′s not anyone
She′s not anyone

A man can never dream these kind of things
Especially when she came and spread her wings
Whispered in my ear the things I′d like
Then she flew away into the night

Gonna write a song so she can see
Give her all the love she gives to me
Talk of better days that have yet to come
Never felt this love from anyone

She′s not anyone
She′s not anyone
She′s not anyone

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